From the feedback we gathered among our users, we found out that a lot of you were looking for more ways to control the look and feel of your ads. That’s why we added a new section in our app where you will be able to configure every single ad you serve with the help of Adeagle.
If you’re curious, you can head to the Ads section and there, for each campaign, you will be able to change the image of your ad, the title and the price. Moreover, you can now monitor the number of impressions and clicks each particular ad received along with its CTR. Apart from that, you are also able to set the priority of each ad to boost the best performers.
The Campaigns section was changed as well: to better showcase ads in each campaign and general statistics like the number of impressions, clicks and CTR of each campaign.
Along with these changes we decided that we will sunset the Twitter campaigns. We want to focus our efforts on Adeagle Ad Network: ads in partner stores and on thematic websites. We noticed that this is where the most attention of our users is focused. Moreover, this is where we can offer the best marketing performance of our campaigns. That’s why we won’t let any new Twitter campaigns to be created from now on. At the same time, all the Twitter campaigns, that where created to this date, will still be able to run and post ads to Twitter.
These new changes reflect our new strategy for Adeagle, where our main goal is to deliver the best marketing performance to our users. A lot of new features is on the way, so stay tuned for more!